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Supporting Our Community

JetPark Hotels are committed to being supportive and proactive in the community, and in so doing, support community fund-raising events and charities. Here are the main charities that we support:

Pet Refuge

Opened in August 2021, Pet Refuge provides temporary shelter and care for pets affected by domestic violence. As JetPark Hotels believe pets are an important part of family life and have pet-friendly accommodation so the “whole family can stay” this felt like an important charity to be part of. Read more >

Women's Refuge

Aimed at helping prevent and stop family violence in New Zealand, Women's Refuge is an organisation for women and their children. JetPark Hotel is proud to support Women’s Refuge with donations of good-used clothing and useful household items and furniture. Read more >

Dress for Success

Dress for Success aims to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive. JetPark Hotels are pleased to support this great initiative with donation boxes and clothing donations by staff. Read more >

Make-A-Wish New Zealand

Make-A-Wish New Zealand gives terminally ill or very unwell children amazing experiences, fulfilling their 'dreams' to make their lives that much better and brighter. JetPark Hotels are proud to support such a worthy cause, and are proud to become the hotel of choice for "wish families" travelling either domestically or internationally. Read more >